Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is education a right?

Every child should have the right to learn. Lacking the skill of reading and writing doesn't get you very far in today's world. I feel education is a right or it should be. Unfortunately, in the United States and across the globe, education is valued differently. For lack of a better term, education is unfair or unequal. For example, in Illinois, some districts receive up to $24,000 per student, while other districts receive less than $6,000 per student. I'm sure this is way above the world average. I heard at a conference last year that in third world countries, specifically in Africa, young girls help their mothers gather water for the family, sometimes walking miles a day. This deprives them of an education, if schools are located near them. Here is a link to their website: Blood-Water Mission . One of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to “ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling” (United Nations Millennium Development Goals). I believe as a nation we are far from this goal, let alone the entire world. As I was researching, I came across this video my friend’s students put together with students from Los Angeles, California.

I believe education should be mandatory to a certain grade level. As the world grows more interconnected, it is crucial for students to be prepared for the global market. If they are not prepared for what awaits them outside the schoolhouse, I do not feel that I’ve done my job. I’m for equal and compulsory education for all.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dreamer v.s. Visionary

As I was reading the book Visioneering by Andy Stanley, I focused on the part of the chapter that compared the terms "Dreamer" and "Visionary". I have always been a huge dreamer, but after reading the book, I believe I'm a "visionary". The major difference between a dreamer and a visionary is ACTION. I can sit in my chair all day and think about making the world a better place, but unless I act on it, I'm just a dreamer. In December of 1955, at the age of 26, Martin Luther King Jr. became involved and began his stance for civil rights during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. His work in Montgomery and his dream and desire became ACTION, making him a Visionary. His leadership changed history for millions of people. YOU have that ability and opportunity everyday. Transform your dreams into visions through ACTION...and you may change the world.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Who is up for a good challenge this year? Last year at this time, I was in the early stages of preparing for the Indianapolis 1/2 marathon. It proved to be very challenging after mile 11, when my leg cramped up and I could barely walk, let alone run. I finished, I was successful...I pushed forward. In less than 20 days, Predident-Elect Obama will take the oath of office to become the 44th President of the United States. What an honor! Mr. Obama will face many challenges this next four years. Just to name a few: 1) Economy 2) Afghanistan 3) Iraq 4) Israel/Gaza 5) India/Pakistan. His decisions could affect our nation for many years to come. The idea of "change" he campaigned on and won with, will hopefully happen. Since his historic win, a shadow has been casted in filling his former Senate seat in Illinois. President-Elect Obama needs to stay focused on the issue at hand and perservere through the trying times our nation faces, as another great president once did. Abraham Lincoln, also from Illinois, faced great trials, but brought people together to solve the problems (challenges) we faced as a nation.